Faith on Training Wheels
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Rise to The Challenge

Rise to The Challenge

How are you? How are you holding up today? I hope you have people in your life that check in with you regularly to show you that they care and that you matter. But if no one called/texted today or if you don’t have a circle of support in your life, here’s a reminder that you do matter and you are worthy and capable to overcome whatever ails you in life. It is my wish for everyone including myself that we learn what it means to live, not just to endure our circumstances, but thrive in spite of.

As life continues to change at rapid speed,  we are presented with the challenge to rise and evolve, each and every time. So let me ask you-are you challenging the struggles you are facing in life or are you tolerating them? In this current climate, it’s so easy to become numb to it all. It’s desirable to engage in vices then to face challenges head on, especially if problems seem to pop up at a faster rate than we have solutions for. 

As for me, I chose to ignore my problems or as some church folk like to put it, I was “simply waiting” on God to rescue me from an intolerable situation I put myself in. Unfortunately, my choice to ignore secured me a one way ticket to rock bottom.  Undoubtedly I knew I was going in the wrong direction, but I was hoping to find fast food peace in everything else, but Jesus. Each of us are attracted to different pit stops in life that veer us off course, but we are called to continue the journey. God spoke promises over your life, what if you dared to believe them? What if the solutions you’ve been searching and asking for lies in your ability to act?

To simply believe what God has in store for you is only part of the challenge. It’s a great starting point for building intimacy with Him, but it does not get Him to move. He is looking for boldness in you to harness those beliefs, allowing them to propel you to action. The blessing, the favor, the healing can all be found in answering the call to act. He wants us to act because our actions will lead to deliverance. There are many examples like this in the bible where people went after their healing and were blessed.  I will only share two with you today.

Do you remember the woman who had the issue of blood for 12 years? (Matthew 9:20 KJV) She  tried every physician she knew to help cure her and no one could. She spent all that she had and nothing worked.  So there she was, in the midst of hundreds of people who were pressing upon Jesus, deciding that if she could just touch his clothing, her suffering would end.  She didn’t want to cast attention on herself, she wanted to hide in the crowd and receive her blessing in secret. Now for those of you who have been blessed by the Lord, know that He does not bless you in secret, so it was fitting that Jesus turned around to see who touched Him. And in that encounter when He fastened his eyes on her, she not only received her healing, but her identity; He called her Daughter. “Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith have made thee whole; go in peace. (Luke 8:48 KJV)

When Jesus was at home in Capernaum, He was teaching the word to a crowd. It was so packed, no one could enter the house. But there were four men who saw an opportunity for healing that no one else did. They were carrying a man who was suffering from Cerebral palsy. They went to the side of the house and decided they would tear off the roof in order to access Jesus. The scripture says “they uncovered the roof where Jesus was and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed…” (Mark 2:4 KJV) Wow! Their faith in Jesus was so strong that they didn’t care how big the crowd was or how they looked in that moment, destroying Jesus’ property to get to Him; they took action and found a way. And because of their faith, Jesus healed that man. This is a beautiful reminder that for those relatives or friends who may be too sick or weak to believe, there’s an opportunity for them to be healed because of our faith. 

It takes boldness to believe God and act anyway regardless of how the present looks. 

It takes boldness to pursue His promises, when no one else in your family believes. 

It takes boldness to answer the call, when it doesn’t make sense. 

 Only you know the things God has spoken to you about, the visions and the dreams He has revealed to you. DO NOT IGNORE them! Logic and comfort has never been a part of His instruction, so if the vision seems far-fetched, He is asking you to mature.


While your life is messy, 

When the vision scares you, 

When it does not make sense,

When your resources are low,

When you are afraid- Be not afraid, only believe.

And just start, start today!

With love, 

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